Unraveling Trauma, Brain Injury, and the Broken Healthcare System

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Unraveling Trauma, Brain Injury, and the Broken Healthcare System

Trauma impacts every part of our being, and far too often, it goes unrecognized by the very systems designed to heal us. As a survivor of child abuse, domestic violence, and near-fatal strangulation, my life was forever changed by trauma—not just emotionally, but physically and mentally as well. In this blog post, I want to share my journey through trauma, brain injury, and the failures of a fragmented healthcare system, in the hopes that others may find the answers and healing they need.

For years, I struggled with unexplained symptoms that left me feeling broken, lost, and hopeless. Despite seeing over 50 different medical providers, no one could piece together what was happening to me. My symptoms were divided into silos—one doctor looked at my heart, another at my nervous system, and another at my immune system. All they saw were isolated problems, prescribing medicine after medicine, while I continued to deteriorate. They told me I had aggressive MS, that I would never work again, and that I might not live to see 50.

But they were missing the bigger picture. In 2006, I survived a near-fatal strangulation in a domestic violence incident that left me with a traumatic brain injury, a diagnosis that wasn’t made until years later. After years of misdiagnoses and ineffective treatments, I was fortunate enough to attend a conference where I met Dr. Bill Smock, a leading expert in strangulation injuries. He introduced me to the idea that my brain injury was at the core of my health problems, not the myriad of other diagnoses I had been given.

This was my turning point. It led me to a functional neurologist who finally helped me understand how trauma affects every part of our body—from our brain waves and neural pathways to our immune system, gut health, and even hormonal regulation. I learned that the inflammation, gut issues, and immune dysfunction I was experiencing were all rooted in the unresolved trauma stored within my body.

For years, I was lost in a healthcare system that didn’t ask about my trauma history. I was prescribed medications that masked the symptoms but never got to the root of the problem. I was just surviving, day by day, feeling like there was no way out. But when I took control of my own healing journey and sought holistic care, everything changed. My symptoms began to improve, my energy returned, and I started living again.

The reality is that trauma is not just an emotional wound—it affects us on a cellular level. It weakens our immune system, disrupts our hormones, impacts our gut health, and even alters our brain architecture. Yet, our medical system rarely asks about our trauma history, instead focusing on treating symptoms in isolation. We don’t have a healthcare system; we have a disease-care system that profits from keeping us sick.

But there is hope. Healing is possible. My journey has shown me that we need to start looking at trauma holistically, addressing not just the physical symptoms, but also the mental, emotional, and spiritual wounds that come with it. I’ve found healing through functional neurology and holistic care, and now, I’m passionate about sharing my story so that others can find their path to wellness too.

If you are someone dealing with chronic health issues and feeling lost in the medical system, I urge you to take a step back and ask: Have I experienced trauma? How has that trauma impacted my body? You deserve healing, not just survival.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Together, we can break the silence surrounding trauma and brain injury, and create a system that truly puts people before profit. If my story resonates with you, or if you’re searching for answers, reach out to me at The Courageous Survivor, and let’s start the conversation.

Stay courageous and be well.

Paula Walters

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